More pictures from Alaska...
I suggest clicking/enlarging the pix as you proceed....
Here is my friend from the last post...

A statue of Balto in downtown Anchorage, a tribute to all sled dogs, the Iditarod Race begins at this point in the city.

This is a graveyard. The colored huts are Spirit Houses, built by relatives to ensure a happy place for the Spirit to reside. A tradition by the native Athapascan Alaskans.

This is for Antonio.

Here's my baby... wanna ride???

This is the Turnagain Arm, between Anchorage and Seward. A remarkable phenomenon occurs here twice everyday. The Tidal Bore is one single wave that travels a great distance to fill this entire inlet, and in the evening one wave drains it. The wave can travel as tall as 2m high, and as fast as 15 kph. The structure on the right is a prime location to watch Beluga whales ride the Tidal Bore in and out of the Turnagain Arm. I saw many of them.
When I pulled over, I was alone. Suddenly, a few people arrived- dressed to the nines- and asked me if I would be willing to witness their wedding. I was also the wedding photographer. It was a surreal and serendipitous moment. The other witness was a guy from Georgia, who arrived a few minutes later, also there to watch the whales. They picked a good spot. Note the train tracks continuing along the shore.

I like this photo. I feel it represents many things about Alaska.

More to come, when I have time. More animals, lots of moose!
LOVE the pictures! Keep them coming. Is there a picture of the married couple?
Is there a picture of the honeymoon? I digress. Is this the tie when Mark was working on La Mancha?
Looking forward to hearing about the rest of the trip!
It is indeed the time Mark was teching La Mancha. I invited myself along for a week, and treated myself to a birthday trip!
Great pictures Joey!
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